10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Ansiktsbehandling / Facial Microboost™ Hyaluronic Program by Cholley - Cura by Maya, Lövånger - Bokadirekt

For English, scroll down. Microboost ™ Hyaluronic Program Maximal lyx för dig som söker något utöver det vanliga för din hud. Hela ansiktet inkl. hals behandlas 1. Rengöring av huden inkl. anpassad peeling. 2. Microneedling, ytlig. eller nålfritt med iontofores. 3. Hyaluronic Mask + Hyaluronic Solutions by Cholley slussas ner i huden med iotoforesmetoden. 4. Avslutande kräm Denna behandling är ett genombrott inom hudvårdsbranschen då den på ett skonsamt men kraftfullt sätt stimulerar hudens förnyelse och kollagenproduktion samt tillför vitaminer och fukt på djupet utan att behandlingen är smärtsam. Passar alla, speciellt dig med torr hud, känslig hud och/eller mogen hud. Resultatet av behandlingen: Reducerar rynkor, ärr och pigmentförändringar. Jämnar ut hudtonen och ger glow. Stramar upp och återskapar hudens fyllighet vilket ger en tydligare kontur till ansiktet. Behandlar ögonområdet och ger ett naturligt lyft av ögonlock och minskar påsar och mörka ringar under ögonen. Kan även ge dig fylligare läppar utan injektioner. En behandling som kan göras året om. ------------------ BIOREGENE Hyaluronic Program is an intense hydration and regeneration system for professional use that drastically improves the appearance of the skin with hyaluronic acid and pure collagen masks. BENEFITS · Intense hydration and regeneration of the skin · Fortifying and toning action · Protective and softening action · Purifying and harmonizing effect BIOREGENE Hyaluronic Program is especially beneficial in diminishing the erythema and oxidation damage caused by solar exposure. It reduces redness quickly and reinforces the connective tissue to prevent the development of lines and wrinkles. BIOREGENE Hyaluronic Program is an intense hydration and regeneration treatment for professional use that drastically improves the appearance of the skin. It is ideal for any skin that shows signs of dryness or aging. BIOREGENE Microboost ™ Hyaluronic Program Maximum luxury for those looking for something out of the ordinary for their skin. The entire face including the neck is treated 1. Cleansing of the skin incl. adapted exfoliation. 2. Microneedling, superficial. or using iontophoresis. 3. Hyaluronic Mask + Hyaluronic Solutions by Cholley is channelled into the skin using the iontophoresis method. 4. Finishing cream and serum. This treatment is a breakthrough in the skin care industry as it gently but powerfully stimulates the skin's renewal and collagen production and adds vitamins and moisture in depth without the treatment being painful. Suitable for everyone, especially those with dry skin, sensitive skin and/or mature skin. The result of the treatment: Reduces wrinkles, scars and pigment changes. Evens out skin tone and gives glow. Tightens and restores the skin's plumpness which improves the facial contours. Treats the eye area and provides a natural lift of the eyelids and reduces bags and dark circles under the eyes. Can also give you fuller lips without injections. A treatment that can be done all year round.
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