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Boka Hipex - Empower Medical Esthetics, Täby - Bokadirekt

Causes Of Urinary Incontinence Stress urinary incontinence occurs when pelvic muscles supporting urethra and bladder weaken or the urethral self function decreases the urethra's ability to close urethra. It also can be caused from repeated pregnancy and surgery in pelvic areas such as childbirth, menopause, obesity, asthma, and other persistent coughs. Time to say goodbye to urinary incontinence. HIPEX is a break through technology to help urinary incontinence inspired by kegel exercise, powered by electromagnetic energy, operated 100% non invasive. Specially and carefully designed treatment helps to increase the natural strength of pelvic muscles causing urinary incontinence. Clinically supported There are various clinical researches on treating urinary incontinence by using electromagnetic. And all of them indicate that the muscle stimulation of electromagnetic helps and relieve the urinary incontinence. Plus, there are some clinical report that the electromagnetic stimulation also helps increasing libido for both male and female. 95% patients satisfaction.
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