27 jan - 2 febVecka 5


Boka Yamura Healing Distans - Gudinne Oasen, Online - Bokadirekt

YAMURA is a very powerful, intense and deep energy of love, healing and transformation. It connects you with your creativeness, your true BEING. Yamura Energy is similar to Reiki, but more vibrating at higher frequency. Also working with Yamura energy happens without symbols. The Yamura energy flows where it is needed, it seeks it'sown path. It stimulates the self-healing powers and activates them, it serves to increase the vibration and increase consciousness, it releases blockages and opens the heart, increases vitality. It acts aura clensing and chakra harmonizing. You feel lightness and love in your energy system. Reiki came to Earth to prepare people for ascension and, for example, to raise the question of the "meaning of life". Now in the ascent directly, Yamura is there for us to come into self-love, to awaken, to remember, to strengthen the power of Creator. The Yamura energy also increases so-called psychic abilities, intuition and much more. It flows on the frequency of love and clarity for your life, what you REALLY want to manifest and is a transforming energy to it. Yamura Energie is transferable to humans as well as to animals and plants, locally and remotely.Benefits of Yamura Reiki session: • Your chakras are cleansed, harmonized and balanced ▪ Your life energy comes back into the flow ▪ Your well-being increases ▪ The frequency of your entire energy system is raising significantly ▪ Your self-healing powers are activated ▪ Your energy blocks are slowly and lovingly resolved ▪ Your consciousness expands ▪ You make a quantum leap in spiritual development ▪ Your dormant potentials are awakened ▪ You are protected from negative energies for some time What does YAMURA mean? Y - is the key to the spiritual world A - is love MU - is to bring to earth RA - is bringing in the higher frequency of love Yamura på distans har samma kraftfulla effekt som Yamura på plats. Det är viktigt att du är på en lugn och tyst plats, där du får vara själv och ligga eller sitta under healingen. Det går bra att ha meditativ lugn musik. Du vet vad som får dig att slappna av. Jag ringer upp några minuter innan jag börjar skicka Yamura Reiki. Upplevelserna under healingen är väldigt individuella men effekterna är samma. Det som ska omvandlas kommer omvandlas, för ditt högsta bästa. Efteråt ringer jag upp och du får dela dina upplevelser. Jag delar de budskap jag fått. Rekommenderas att få Yamura minst två gånger med en längre tids mellanrum. Det egna själsliga arbetet är jätteviktigt då många självläkningsprocesser sätts igång och blockeringar löses upp.
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