16 - 22 sepVecka 38


Boka Yoga massage & Kaula Tantra Yoga - Gwenaëlle Llorca, Knivsta - Bokadirekt

This class starts with you receiving a massage of the body with the feet, the clothes remain on, while our breath is synchronized. The walking massage prepares the muscles of the body and the mind for relaxation. The massage lasts between 20 and 30 minutes and is followed by a Kaula Tantra Yoga class. About Kaula Tantra Yoga: Kaula tantra yoga is an ancient practice that bridges the profound traditions of Hindu Tantra and Yoga. Rooted in Sanskrit, Tantra signifies the tool for expansion, while Yoga symbolizes union. In practice, Kaula Tantra Yoga is a guided meditation in movement with an emphasis on the breath, allowing emotions, sensations, and creative energy to manifest by rising from the unconscious to the conscious. We take the time to flow, breathe and feel in stillness and also rest in between asanas. This results in a timeless, effortless, deeply relaxing and regenerating practice. Booking preferably 24h beforehand.
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