10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Pre-Natal / Pregnancy Reiki - 1hr - Healing Elements Therapy, Gnesta - Bokadirekt

Reiki - 1hr & 90mins sessions - Also, safe for pregnancies & can be added-on after a massage Reiki is a “hands-off” approach of Energy Work. Reiki relieves pain, speeds up the healing process, relaxes the receiver, balances the chakras & aura energy, and aids in physical & emotional detoxification. Respiration slows during a Reiki session, and blood pressure lowers; emotional calming occurs. Most of the time there will be no physical touch, and if so, it will be only a very brief, light placement of the hands on the body. The Reiki work will last 45mins, with 15mins after the session to discuss findings. You will remain clothed on top of table. Please wear something comfortable ( like sweats, yoga or sports wear ). ***VERY IMPORTANT - Please make personal time after the session ( recommend at least 3-4hrs ): no one else around, activities or distractions- just you time. This will help with the emotional detoxification process which will be discussed/ explained prior to your session starting. For more information, please visit the following link : https://www.healingelementstherapy.com/reiki-details.html
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