17 - 23 febVecka 8


Boka TMJ / TMD / Jaw Combined Massage Therapy - 2hrs - Healing Elements Therapy, Gnesta - Bokadirekt

Available booking increments: *Usually* will be booked with a combined Deep Tissue massage first = 90mins, 2hrs or 2hrs+ total time Work will be hands-on with a glove inside the mouth. This is “deep tissue” work directly on the jaw joint, gums & sinuses regions inside of the mouth. Typically it will be combined with a Deep Tissue Massage first, which will be consisting of work in the back, neck & front of neck areas; inside the mouth takes 12-17 minutes on each side of your mouth ( about 30-45mins total ). It can also be combined in a series of CranioSacral Therapy sessions ( a different approach with CranioSacral techniques). Each will be determined by your therapist on how to approach your session; It may require prior work time or sessions before actually working inside the mouth. * It’s great for helping to release and balance jaw dysfunctions, migraines & headaches, sinuses & sinus infections, and any "popping or clicking" noises of the jaw ( especially when chewing ).
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