3 - 9 marVecka 10


Boka Zena Algae Peel - Skin Aesthetics By Deborah, Huddinge - Bokadirekt

100% natural base of microneedles made from a special type of algae sponge powder. It is a special type of algae derived from lakes of Ukrane. What makes it special is the specules that contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial substances of marine microorganisms. It has the same effect as micro-needling, but without any device. This peel can be used on all types of skin. Even on sensitive skin. Superficial blood circulation and the protective properties of the skin are improved. Alternative to chemical peels, accelerating natural renewal of the tissue in 7-10 days, solving an endless number of problems. What makes this peel so special is that it can be done on multiple parts of the body: - Dark armpits - Acne or back scars - Stretch marks (stomach, thighs and buttocks) - Dark inner thighs, legs and arms - Melasma on the face - Keratosis - Hyperpigmentation An allergy test will always be performed. The treatment might need 2-4 sessions for best results, but immediate significant results are seen after one treatment 4 weeks have to be allowed between sessions No more than 4 Algae peelings should be performed in one year.
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